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Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Music: No Rock & Roll Fun
Politics: Something of the Night
Buffy: Into The New Thing
Placebo: Molkorific

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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Please, go to sleep
Worrying times for hedgehogs: apparently, the mild autumn hasn't persuaded them to start hibernation, so they're wandering around in the equivalent of a late-night fug. And you know what they can be like.

A British Hedgehog Preservation Trust spokesman said: "A huge number had to be rescued in late 2005 and this year is looking even worse.

"Hundreds of people are calling to say they have found small hedgehogs struggling to survive."

Source: Daily Mirror

Help: British Hedgehog Preservation Society

Buy: Hedgehog house for your garden


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