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Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Music: No Rock & Roll Fun
Politics: Something of the Night
Buffy: Into The New Thing
Placebo: Molkorific

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Thursday, November 02, 2006
You've probably already seen the tortoise with a wheel for his back leg, but have you come across Scooter the Ferret? Born with paralyzed back legs, Scooter is able to get about thanks to, erm, a scooter which his owner Bill Higbee has built for him:

Higbee built him a wheelchair "so his little legs can hang off the side and get stronger and things."

"We ran the aisles of Ace Hardware with this scooter," said Higbee.

Source: 9News


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