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Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Music: No Rock & Roll Fun
Politics: Something of the Night
Buffy: Into The New Thing
Placebo: Molkorific

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Given the bird
Probably a working definition of "killing with kindness" here - people who've attempted to be birdlovers have managed to slaughter the object of their affections. By throwing foodinto the water at Epping Forest's Snaresbrook pond, someone has already accounted for forty ducks, swans and geese. The food went uneaten at first, rotted, and developed a form of avian botulism - which meant that when it was eventually eaten, it was deadly.

Mat Roberts, a forest superintendent, has now asked for people to refrain from feeding the birds. Which would seem to be kinder in the longrun.

Source: The London Paper


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