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Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Music: No Rock & Roll Fun
Politics: Something of the Night
Buffy: Into The New Thing
Placebo: Molkorific

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Sunday, July 09, 2006
Will the bears be on display?
London Zoo is holding its first gay-themed day, inviting gay celebrities (and, apparently, David Walliams on the grounds that he's camp, so that's near enough), debating homosexuality in the animal kingdom.

Organiser Joanna Green said: "This is a day dedicated to the gay community and hopefully it will go down a storm. It will be fun, educational and, of course, very, very camp.

"A walk through our tropical butterfly tunnel will add a romantic touch to the day. But people can also come face-to-face with African hunting dogs and a giraffe.

"We have 650 species of animal at the zoo, many of which are highly endangered.

"This day is all about celebrating gay culture and encouraging conservation.

"There will be a discussion from gay organisations and wildlife experts, debating homosexuality within the animal kingdom."

We love the way Joanna suddenly realised that talking about butterflies might be considered stereotyping gay people and so she attempted to throw in the least flighty, limp-wristed creatures she could think of, coming up with "a giraffe."

[Plug: Homosexual Behaviour in Animals, a new academic study of what animals get up if there's nobody yelling at them that "it ain't bloody natural and it ain't going on in my cage."]
Source: Sunday Mirror


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