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Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Big Eye Deer - animal, wildlife and nature stories from around the world

Music: No Rock & Roll Fun
Politics: Something of the Night
Buffy: Into The New Thing
Placebo: Molkorific

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Dogs to the rescue
Kit, a rescue-home dog, saved a thirteen year-old girl when she fell into a diabetic coma. Even though they weren't even in the same room

Relieved Rosie said: "If Kit hadn't woken me Marianne might not be here now. Her body had begun to shut down and she was admitted to hospital where she recovered. Kit is our guardian angel."

Marianne added: "I feel she's looking out for me all the time."

Wait until he chews their slippers.
Source: Daily Mirror


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